At 33 years old, I never thoughtI would be connected to
So many new technological devices.
There are new technologies being developed every day.
At first I was just contempt with a cell phone and a computer
Now there is the IPOD, The MP3 Player,
The IPAD, Skype,
Smart Phone.
The world has really changed.
It may sound alot but I really love using these new devices.
There was one time I was really old school in my ways
But I have come to my senses and I now realize that new technology is the way.
I do not have an IPAD but I am considering getting the
Samsung Galaxy Pad.
I just love the size of it and it is something that I could easily put in my bag.
I do not have an IPAD, but I do have an MP3 Player
I-POD's are good,
But I just feel that MP3 Players are more easy to manage
And completely free when it comes to getting music
I feel that I can easily download music from alot of sources
As compared to the I-Pod.
I hope that I am right for saying this.
I do not need to get special software like you need for the I-POD.
Skype is something that I am using and I think it is a great tool.
With Skype you can connect with people from long distances
You can see them
Talk to them
Skype and other forms of distance communicating is
A very popular trend now,
Especially for corporations who want to train new employees.
Now many corporations want to save money
By delivering training
courses by way of
Skype or Skype related devices.
Also,they do not have to spend money for plane tickets to fly in trainees.
Probably the scariest thing about new technology is the social media sites
Sites such as My Space, Twitter and Face Book has cause some problems
These sites has lead to a large causes of "cyber bullying." and slandering people on line.
Slandering people on line has lead to the suicides of teens and adults.
It is sad that with these social media sites
You can't stop a person from saying horrible things.
These sites are meant to be for pleasant social interactivity
But it has been used as a device to ruin the reputation of people
It has been a device used to hurt people to the point of depression
It has been a device to used that has lead people to their deaths.
Another major concern of social media sites is how it
Is taking over many families.
When it comes to communication
Many teens are spending a lot of hours communicating on sites
Such as Face Book.
Many teens do not actually want to talk to their parents face to face
They want to communicate on line with their friends.
So the unity in the family is some what diminishing.
When using social media sites like MySpace and Face Book
You have to be very careful of what you say and who you accept as friends.
I personally just use Face Book to help promote my club
So for me it is just for business.
Probably the scariest thing about new technology that bothers me
Is the cut back on jobs.
With new technology, computers and machines
Are doing the jobs people used to do.
Especially in the service industry
Such as supermarkets
There are a lot of supermarkets that have automatic checkout
Checkout where you do not need an actual cashier.
In major cities like New York and Los Angeles
When you want a pass to take a train
There are machine where you can get your train pass
You do not need to get it from a clerk in a booth.
So on one hand it is great to have new technological devices
It can make your life more easy and convenient
But on the other hand it can lead to problems releasing unwanted information
It can lead to the problem of taking away jobs
Jobs that used to belong to people for years.