An art form that was created to stop violence and it lived
by the moto Love, Peace and Having Fun
has become Money, Violence, Death and Prison.
My idea for this blog came from the recent imprisonment
of the world famous rapper Lil Wayne.
Lil Wayne was arrested for gun and marijuana possession
and the big question is why he needed a gun?
I am very sure I know why he needed the marijuana
but as for the gun I do not know.
I do not know if someone was coming after him
or if he was carrying the gun to represent the persona of a
That is the problem that I hate about rap today
but do not get me wrong not all of rap music is about violence and youdo have rappers such as Common. Dead Prez, Mos Def, Queen Latifiah
and yes I said Queen Latifah and I know she is a big name actress
but there are times where she sings and where she raps. These rappers
are not considered to be gangster rappers, they are pretty much
positive rappers.
But now many of the rappers now who are considered to be
gangsta rappers act out the role of being actual gangsters.
I understand that some of these rappers have been through
tough times in their lives where crime was involved where many of them
sold drugs and were in actual gangs but it really does not mean you still have to be
like that and live that lifestyle.
Sad to say the persona is coming to life in actuality
and many of the rappers are actually carrying guns
and being caught with them like Lil Wayne.
Ever since the death of The Notorious B.I.G and Tupac
I really thought that the violence in rap would decrease
but it has not happened.
Rap beefs are supposed to be about lyrical competition
between two rappers, but now rap beefs have become personal
issues where the two parties are just proving who is more
tougher than the other which has lead to serious fights and even near death
experiences and death experiences.
These are young males and females making millions so why in the world
would you want to jeopardize all of that and for what
just to prove to people that you are not a punk or a coward.
The goal for many rappers to become rappers is to get out of the hood
and away from the violence and the non-sense but it seems like they
are acting like they are still in the hood and still caught up in non sense.
I do not mean to insult many of my young brothers and sisters who
make up the majority of the population of rap but we have to stop
all of this senseless violence and it really does not make any sense.
You are making millions of dollars so you should be happy
but many rappers act like they are mad at something and that they have to lash out.
If they feel that they have to lash out I wonder what is it
that they are lashing at or whom.
I know that it is a dream that probably will never become
true because of all of the money that is generated from
today's style of rap but I would really like to see rap
go back to when it was all about partying and having a good
time and not cursing and calling women bitches and other
foul words.
I would like for rap to be about what it was meant for in the
beginning and that is Love, Peace and Having Fun.