How would she feel when she turns 40
She gave me some good advice
And she told me that it is not about the age
It is about how young you feel on the inside
I am not saying 40 is old, but it is an age I thought I would

not see for a long time I do not mean to scare anyone who reads this.
When they say after 21 or some say after
you reach 25 life seems that life goes faster
And in my view it does, but after 25.
I remember saying to myself
It would a long time before I turn 40
But for me it is less than 8 years away.
I am proud of the changes I have made in my 30's
One thing I can say is that from 25 to now being 32 I really love the person that I am now.
Maybe turing 40 will not be so bad for me
Hopefully I will be one of those people who get
better as they age.
And I am really glad that in today's society medicine is better making people more healthier.
My classmate also told me that my past experiences from being young has helped my maturity.
It has helped me to become a much more wiser and stronger person and I should be proud.
She guaranteed me that when I turn 40, it will be a whole lot better
I will be alot more wiser and stronger
And with this life will be better.
I know that her words were to motivate me to not be scared of turing 40
But for me geting older is getting older
I truely hope that she is right and that I will change my perception of being 40
Maybe it will be like when I turned 30
I thought 30 would be bad but I really love it and I would not want to go back to my 20's
Alot has made me stronger and wiser in the last 3 years and I am very thankful for it
Or should I say trying to be thankful.
So for those who read this blog about turning 40
If anyone has any advice about calming my nerves about turning The Big 40, let me know
If you give me advice you are invited to the party
That is if I will not be to depressed about turning 40.
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